A Very Valentine Tea Party

Hi friends!
I hope you’re all having a great week.
You may have seen on Instagram that Olivia graduated to the “big girl” ballet class this weekend and she is just in heaven. We are so proud of her.
After her new class on Sunday, we decided to finally do some Valentine’s day baking (pink strawberry cupcakes with pink strawberry icing, bien sur!) with lots of sweet treat decorating, followed by an extra special “very fancy” Valentine’s Day tea party.
Olivia has loved tea parties for as long as I can remember and they’re something we enjoy together often. Other than performing for us, playing hostess is one of her favorite things to do. She really loved getting her table extra dressed up. and even reminded me I forgot fancy straws. (How could I!?) My sweet little helper gets her attention to detail from her mama, what can I say :)
We have a tradition in my family of going to high tea at the holidays so this time instead of her play set, just like we do then, we used a real tea pot, too- full of watered down peach juice ;) She absolutely loved it. I think she’s definitely ready for her own real set.
I lost track of how many times she thanked me and said how much fun she had. We loved it so much we decided to leave it up and we had another one again yesterday. Something tells me we may have a few more…
I honestly hardly snapped any pics of the three of us because we were having such a great time, but I wanted to share a few pics of the sweetness in case her kitchen and tabletop inspire you for your home and your littles. These are all from my iPhone, but hopefully you get the idea. ;) I made the little heart doilies out of tissue paper and Olivia loved them. They are so easy to make, super inexpensive and then really easy to toss when you’re done with them. I totally recommend making them.
We are so, so excited for Valentine’s Day over here! It’s been fun counting down with Olivia and I always love coming up with thoughtful ways to celebrate and make memories she (we) will always cherish. We just sent out some extra special mail to some loved ones and are starting to get her classroom treats ready for her party at school next week. This is SUCH A FUN season.