Mama + Me: Pink Raincoats

Is there anything sweeter than your little girl telling you she wants to match you? I think not. We both love the color pink, so nothing is really too much of a stretch. And even if it was, I will happily oblige to these requests for as long as she thinks it's fun. I know it won't last forever.
Our latest twinning find is these blush raincoats. They are so practical for this time of year. Perfect for rainy or windy days and evenings, and the color is so sweet and springy. We have gotten so many compliments on them; I thought I better share!
My coat feels so chic for rain gear. I love the ruffle detail in the back and love that even though it's more of a shift silhouette, it's not too long or bulky like some traditional rain coats are. I love that it's pretty but also functional; pockets for storage, hood for bad rain or extra cool temps, and of course water proof.
I adore the polka dot lining and darling little gold snaps on Olivia's version. I'd say hers runs true to size or slightly small. She has a 4T on here and even though she's grown tremendously this year, I'd say she's still a bit on the smaller side for her age. (She'll be 4 in September.) Speaking of being four...isn't she looking SO grown up lately?! This has definitely been the year she started really feeling more like a "kid" instead of a toddler or baby. Sometimes I look at her and I can hardly believe it. And the french braid?! She has been requesting one daily and it's kind of killing me. It's simultaneously the sweetest ever and also slightly heartbreaking. I'm so proud of who she's becoming but my mama heart is aching a bit these days realizing how big she is. Though hearing her sing "Mama and Liv, we're best friends" sure does help.
Chicago weather this time of year can be so unpredictable and I feel like these cute and comfy jackets will come in handy for many different scenarios. And best of all, I'm matching with my girl and it makes her (us) SO happy.
xoxo Katie