Mama + Me: Swim Style

We had our nicest day of the year yesterday, and it’s fiiiinally feeling like summer may actually just come this year in Chicago. #thankgoodness
I’ve been on the hunt for a new swimsuit and have seen so many great options. After sharing a couple of them on Instagram there was a unanimous request for a full roundup of faves for ladies + little ladies…so I’m excited to share my picks today. I generally prefer coordinating to matching when it comes to twinning with my girl…but you know I am all about it! I will match with my little sweetheart for along as she asks me to! #hopefullyforever If you prefer a total duplicate, I love the new Minnow mommy and me rash guards. They are so sweet and come in two color ways. You can see those here.
I’ve got a variety of styles and price points for you below. And if you missed my splurge/steal swim series in the Like to Know it app, be sure to check it out if you want to see some other ideas.
Cheers to sunny swim days ahead! xo